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Holiday Club Friday 3rd November
We are running a drop in holiday club session on Friday 3rd November, 10.30 – 12.30.For more information please We look forward to seeing you there.
Communion Offering for November
Our communion offering for November will be going to “Open Doors”.
Communion Offering for July
July’s communion offering will be for Azadi Trust.Information about Azadi Trust can be found on their
Holiday Club
Holiday Club 2023 is on the way. Make sure to register as there are limited spaces
Food bank update
Due to the high level of demand over recent months together with a reduction in the financial donations we receive, it has become necessary for us to review the arrangements for issuing emergency food parcels. – With effect from 7th June 2023, each person/household will be allowed up to 2 emergency parcels within a 4…
Communion Offering for June
Our communion offering in June will be going to “HiCEP”
Communion Offering
This months communion offering will be going to “Baptist Home Mission”